Pastured Poultry Harvest

Whew! 12 7-8 week old cornish cross broilers in the freezer! That’s 57.50 pounds of homestead pasture-raised (no antibiotics, and no ‘fecal soup’*see note below) healthy chicken! Affectionately known as “pastured poultry”. The average weight was 4.79# The biggest was 6.1 (the 8 wk old rooster) and the smallest was 4.0 # (due to the skin getting pulled off from over-scalding ). All in all a good harvest. Very grateful! *Did you know that commercially processed chicken is dunked in a fecal (poop) soup many times before it is packaged? Yep! Read on: Inside Joel Salatin’s Pastured Poultry Profits this interesting little insight into the processing of the meat itself: “Mechanical evisceration breaks open intestines and pours fecal material over the carcass, inside the body cavity, and contaminnates the birds. Large chill tanks often have several inches of fecal sludge in the bottom. In fact, about 9 percent of the…

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its twins

And then there were Three!

Oh, happy day! Just a quick post to announce that Star had twins, among the worst thunder-lightning storm I have seen. A boy and a girl. All are doing well…

Because chickens can’t swim

The weather forecast is calling for heavy rain, and the last time that happened the poor chickens aside from the adult layers were wading in an inch of water in…

The Shape of Things to Come

Star and Moon, my adult ewes, had a visit from a ram in the month of December. Star is definitely looking like she will be first to lamb, and this…

Dinosaurs and Pasture

The fluffy dinosaurs are doing well! First time raising this many. I pray to be a worthy keeper. “Oh that Thou wouldest bless me indeed and enlarge my borders, and…


Welcome to Rocking Oak Ranch! Stay tuned for content on: Grass-fed Sheep, Pastured Poultry & Eggs, and occasional oddity or 2.

Lets Build Our Pastures

The girls are ready to graze. About the time I get them back into pasture rotation. Starting to green up and all they go for is the clover and tender…